2013 |
- ‘The Ecocinema Experience’: ‘Andrej Zdravič’s Riverglass – A River Ballet in Four Seasons - essay by Scott MacDonald (pp 5 & 17-21), and ‘The Aesthetics and Ethics of Eco-film Criticism’, essay by David Ingram, (pp 44-45) / ‘Ecocinema Theory and Practice’, edited by Stephen Rust (et al.), Routledge, 2013
2012 |
2010 |
- ‘Shifting Paradigms: From Environmentalist Films to Ecocinema’ / ‘Lyrical Ecocinema: Riverglass – A Ballet in Four Seasons (pp 51-54) /‘Framing the World - Explorations in Ecocriticism and Film’, edited by Paula Willoquet-Maricondi (also, author of the essay), University of Virginia Press, 2010
2008 |
- ‘The Films of Andrej Zdravič’ - Retrospective program notes, Anthology Film Archives, New York
2005 |
- ‘Le immagini elementali di Andrej Zdravič’, essay by Paolo Mottana ("Dalla 'clinica della formazione' alla 'pedagogia immaginale' attraverso il cinema" (p 89-106) / Pierluigi Malavasi, Simonetta Polenghi, Pier Cesare Rivoltella (a cura), ‘Cinema, pratiche formative, educazione’, Vita e Pensiero, Milano, 2005
- ‘Through a Glass, Clearly’, essay on Riverglass by Paula Williquet-Maricondi, Release Print, November/October, San Francisco
2004 |
- ‘Toward an Eco Cinema’: Riverglass – A River Ballet in Four Seasons, essay by Scott MacDonald (pp 111-114) / ISLE (Interdisciplinary Studies in Literature and Environment) Journal, Vol. 11.2 Summer 2004, Reno, Nevada
- ‘Il cinema immaginale’: ‘Le immagini elementali di Andrej Zdravič’, essay by Paolo Mottana (pp 41-57) / ‘Il Cinema per la formazione’, Alberto Agosti (a cura), Angelli, Milano, 2004
2002 |
- 'Utrip srca - kratki film Andreja Zdraviča’ /Heartbeat, a short film by Andrej Zdravič’, Besim Spahić: Kulturni marketing, Študentska založba, Ljubljana
Slovene/ English
2001 |
- ‘The Essence of Filmmaking’ by John Fucile – review of Andrej Zdravič’s films at 47th Flaherty Seminar, New York, 2001, 2014
- ‘Andrej Zdravič - Pripoved energij, ne zgodba o življenju, življenje samo’ /’Andrej Zdravič - A Tale of Energies, Not a Story About Life but Life Itself’, Jelka Šutej Adamič, Kinotečnik – Slovenska Kinoteka, Ljubljana, september 2001
- ‘Ko sta film in življenje eno’ /’When Film And Life Are One’, Vlado Škafar, Finance, 24.9.01
2000 |
- ‘Riverglass - Rivierballet in vier seizonenen’, Deka Wielenga, Bres, no.201/April-May 2000, the Netherlands
1999 |
- ‘Der Triumph des Andrej Zdravič’ – Friedrich Danielis macht sich einen Reim aus der Biennale von Venedig’ /‘The Triumph of Andrej Zdravič - Friedrich Danielis Speaks His Mind about the Venice Biennale’, Wiener Journal (p 49), September, Wien
- ‘Čista glasba valovanja’, Nagrada Prešernovega sklada - Andrej Zdravič’ /’Pure Music of Undulation, Prešeren Fund awardee - Andrej Zdravič’, Jelka Šutej Adamič, Delo, 5.2.99
- Andrej Zdravič: V steklu reke - almanah Nagrad Prešernovega sklada 1999 /AZ: Riverglass - the Prešern Fund Awardees almanac; award citation, photo by Tone Stojko; Upravni odbor Prešernovega sklada v Ljubljani
1998 |
- ‘Neue TV-Genres’ /’New TV Genres’, Kraft Wetzel, Freitag, Berlin, 29/5/98
1997 |
- ‘Kamera v subjektivu reke’ /’Camera in the River’s Subjective’, Ženja Leiler, Delo, 23.6.97
- ‘Reka kot velika metafora bivanja’ /’The River as a Great Metaphor of Existence’, Ženja Leiler, Delo, 20.7.97
- ‘Balet rečnega toka’ /’The River Flow Ballet’, Slobodan Valentinčič, Primorske Novice, 27.6.97
- ‘Življenski utrip reke’ /’The River’s Life Pulse’, essay on Riverglass by dr. Jure Mikuž (unpublished), Ljubljana
1996 |
- ‘Sound Visions of Andrej Zdravič’ by Stojan Pelko, Adria Airways in-flight magazine, November 1996
- ’Monumentalni momenti’ /‘Monumental Moments’, essay by Stojan Pelko, Maska, letnik VI, št.4/6, 96
- ‘Zvočno-vizualna vizija sveta’, Retrospektiva Andrej Zdraviča, Ženja Leiler, Delo, 20.2.96
- ‘Skrivnostna lepota sveta’ /’The Secret Beauty of the World’, Pavel Fajdiga, Slovenec, 20.2.96
- ‘Liturgije, ki pomirjajo’ /’Soothing Liturgies’, Milan Dekleva, Dnevnik, 16.2.96
- ‘Proces destilacije sveta’ /’A Process of the World Distillation’, Miha Brun, revija Stop,16.2.96
- ‘Apoteoza narave Andreja Zdraviča - filmske podobe o vsepričujočnosti energije’ /'Andrej Zdravič’s Apotheosis of Nature - Film Images of Ever-Present Energies’, Andreja Paljevac, Republika, 2.2.96
1995 |
- ‘Oblaki in Ocean’ /’The Clouds and the Ocean’ - esej v knjigi Bojana Štiha ‘Jesenska fuga o norcu in smrti’, Založba Dan, Ljubljana (N.B.: prvotno objavljen pod naslovom ‘Čudežne igre narave’ / first published as ’The Miraculous Games of Nature’, Dnevnik, 28.3.1987). The author is referring to Zdravič’s films Air Trio and Ocean Beat-in-progress
Slovene/ English
- ‘Iz globin Soče z ljubeznijo’ /’From the Depths of Soča with Love’, Katja Roš, Delo, 27.7.95
1994 |
- ‘Andrej Zdravič’ - Jean-Michel Bouhours, Actualités 2, Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris, juin 1994
- “Earth Streams’, essay by Jean Breschand, Andrej Zdravič’s retrospective CATALOGUE, Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris, 1994
- ‘A Curious Alliance : the role of art in a science museum / editor, Ellen Klages ; writers, Mark Bartlet et al.: The ‘Environmental Art at the Exploratorium’ – ‘Andrej Zdravič’s Water Waves’ by Mark Bartlett, Exploratorium, San Francisco 1994
1992 |
- ‘The Machines that Conquered the World’ by Mark Bartlett, Artweek, August 20, 1992
- ‘Water Waves by Andrej Zdravič’, essay by Mark Bartlett, writer, teacher and artist - written for Artweek, San Francisco
1991 |
- ‘Andrej Zdravič’s Films’ by Calvin Ahlgren, written for The San Francisco Chronicle, San Francisco
- ‘Pripoved o vodi’ /’The Water Tale’, Ignacija Fridl, Slovenec, 20.9.91
1987 |
- ‘Čudežne igre narave’ /’The Miraculous Games of Nature’, Bojan Štih, Dnevnik, 28.3.87
(N.B.: this essay was subsequently published in the book ‘Jesenska fuga o norcu in smrti’ by Bojan Štih (1995), titled: ‘Oblaki in Ocean’ /’The Clouds and the Ocean’. The author is referring to Zdravič’s films Air Trio and Ocean Beat-in-progress.
1981 |
- Films of Zdravič at Filmforum’ by Linda Gross, Los Angeles Times, September 28, 1981
1980 |
- ‘Zdravič Gives Beauty to Found Objects’ by David Ehrenstein, Los Angeles Herald Examiner, May 27
- ‘Filmi silijo naj k razmišljanju’ /’Films to Make One Think’, Miha Brun, revija Stop, 3.1.80
1979 |
- ‘Filmovi kao “prosvetljenje” – ovi Andreja Zdraviča /’Film as Enlightenment’, Jovan Jovanović, Filmograf, Godina IV/broj 13
- ‘Andrej Zdravič’s Films’, review by Vincent Grenier, Idiolects Quarterly, April-May No.5,, New York
1978 |
- ‘Filmmaker has Sound Reason for keeping New York Studies Silent’, Brenda Preisner, Buffalo Evening News, November 20
1977 |
- ‘Movement Energy’ by Amy Taubin, The Soho Weekly News, New York, May 19, 1977
1976 |
- ‘Movie Journal’ by Jonas Mekas, The Soho Weekly News, New York, May 27, 1976
1975 |
- Phenix - review by Bruce Jenkins, Beau Fleuve Journal, Gerald O’Grady, editor, director Media Study/Buffalo, 1975