Time Horizon video installations
(synchronized multi-channel video and sound, variable dimensions)
Permanent exhibitions
- Water Waves - Time Horizon (2013 /restored 1993 original) 7-channel HD, 27 min loop
On view at The Exploratorium – Museum of science, art and human perception, San Francisco - since May 2013 - The Forest - Time Triptych / Gozd - Časovni triptih (2011) 3-channel HD, 37 min loop
On view at Dom Trenta - Triglav National Park Information Centre, Slovenia - since September 2011 - Secrets of Soča - Time Horizon / Skrivnosti Soče - Časovno obzorje (1995) 8-channel, 33 min loop
On View at Dom Trenta - Triglav National Park Information Centre, Slovenia - since July 1995
Past exhibitions
- Ocean Lava - Time Horizon (1999, 8-ch., 30 min) - Dom Trenta, Triglav National Park Information Centre, Slovenia / 13 June - 31 October 2009
- Ocean Lava - Galerie Gmünd, Gmünd, Austria / 12.05 - 14.10.2007
- Secrets of Soča - Wasser.reich Festival, Galerie Gmünd, Austria / 20 May - 15 October 2006
- Skrivnosti Soče - National Gallery of Slovenia, Ljubljana / 3 November 2005 - 14 May 2006
- Skrivnosti Soče - 17th Vilenica International Literary Festival, Slovenia, opening, 4 September 2003
- Skrivnosti Soče - National Gallery of Slovenia, Ljubljana /12 October 2002 - 2 September 2003
- Ocean Lava - Erde / Earth Congress, Kunst-und Ausstellungshalle der BDR, Bonn / 20-28 October 2001
- Ocean Lava - 48th Venice Biennale – Slovene Pavilion / 13 June - 30 September 1999
- Ocean Lava - Edit’99 Video Messe Gallerie (4-channel version), Frankfurt, November 1999
- Secrets of Soča - World EXPO’98 - Pavilion of Slovenia / 23 May - 30 September 1998
- Skrivnosti Soče - AZ Retrospective, Slovenska kinoteka/Cankarjev Dom, Ljubljana / 21-24 February 1996
- Water Waves - Kalamazoo Valley Museum, Michigan, USA / permanently exhibited from May 1996 ~ 2008
- Water Waves - National Museum of Natural Sciences, Taichung, Taiwan /permanently exhibited from 1996 ~ 2004
- Water Waves - The Exploratorium, San Francisco (original Time Horizon, 8-channels/10-screens), premiered as part of the ‘Environmental Art’ exhibition (May 14 - September 6, 1993), then permanently exhibited for over ten years, May 1993 ~ 2003
- Water Waves - The Exploratorium, San Francisco (prototype version), part of the ‘Tracing Time’ exhibition / April 14 - May 31, 1992
Film Installations
(single/multi-channel video, stereo sound, variable dimensions)
- Ocean Cantos I-IV, 3-cinema-screen installation, Alfred Ehrhardt Stiftung (Foundation), 14 January -- 15 April 2017, Berlin
- Riverglass- - ‘Ein Sechstel der Erde. Über die Beziehung des Bildes zur Welt’ exhibition, ZKM Zentrum für Kunst und Medientechnologie Karlsruhe, Germany / November 3, 2012 - April 07, 2013
- Riverglass- - ‘Una sexta parte de la Tierra. Ecologías de la Imagen’ exhibition, MUSAC Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Castilla y León, León, Spain / 28 de enero - 3 de junio, 2012
- Origin- - 2nd Bienal del Fin del Mundo, Ushuaia, Tierra del Fuego, Argentina / 24 April-25 June 2009
- Riverglass & Origin- - ‘Intempéries’ exhibition, Alfons Hug, curator; OCA Pavillion, São Paulo, Brazil / April 21-June 20, 2009
- Riverglass- - FotoFest ‘H2O’ - 10th International Biennial of Photography, Houston, Texas; Riverglass accompanied the exhibition ‘Language of Water’ by the Institute of Flow Sciences, Germany /March 12 – May 12, 2004
- Heartbeat- - 1. Video festival Narave, Bežigrajska galerija, 6.-13. 5. 2004
- Air Trio (In the Clouds)- - ‘East From East / Vzhodno od Vzhoda’ Contemporary Visual Art from China and Slovenia, Ljubljana Castle, Ljubljana / projection in the medieval castle dungeon / 2. julij – 1. avgust, 2004
- Heartbeat- - ‘The Different Same’ Contemporary Art Exchange exhibition (China & Slovenia), Doland Shanghai Duolun Museum of Modern Art, China / December 5 – 20, 2003
English/ Chinese
- Riverglass- - De Wagenschuur 1999 Expositie, Duindigt, Wasenaar, the Netherlands / 4–17 oktober, 1999
- Riverglass & Breath- - 45th Internationale Kurzfilmtage Oberhausen, Germany / 22–29 April, 1999
- Riverglass- - U3 -2nd Triennale of Contemporary Slovene Art, Museum of Modern Art, Ljubljana / 14 November 1997 - 11 January 1998
- Air Trio- - ‘Visible Air’ exhibition, Milwaukee Public Museum, Wisconsin / permanently exhibited from 1985 ~ 1994
- 'Orinoco - Indians of the Amazon Rain Forest' exhibition, Slovene Ethnographic Museum, Ljubljana, April 2011 - September 2012
- 'Love is in the Air' exhibition (composition Pastoral Fantasy), Slovene Ethnographic Museum, Ljubljana, 2000