2010 |
- ‘Pogovor z Andrejem Zdravičem’ /’A Conversation with Andrej Zdravič’, Nil Baskar; Kino-Integral! Prispevki k zgodovini slovensekga eksperimentalnega filma, Kino! 11/12, 2010
2000 |
- ‘Le pulsioni di Zdravič tra sangue e calore: “Così il Vesuvio ha influenzato le mie opere” /’Zdravič’s Beat Between Blood and Heat: “How Vesuvius has Influenced my Works”, Ela Caroli, Corriere del Mezzigiorno, 25/10/2000, Napoli
1999 |
- ‘Čas je za nov tip celovečerca‘ /‘The Time has Come for a New Type of Feature Film’, Melita Forstnerič Hajnšek, Večer, 20.2.99
- ‘Glasba, podobe in mikrokirurgija’ /’Music, Images and Microsurgery’, Zdenko Vrdlovec, Dnevnik, 20.2.99
- ‘Az Isonzó sugallata - Andrej Zdravič videokomponista a termeszetröl’ /’The Inspiration of Soča – Video Composer Andrej Zdravič on Nature’, Varsányl Gyula, Népszabadság, 26/6/99, Hungary
1996 |
- ‘Eager Ears and Ardent Eyes’ – Andrej Zdravič, interview by Stojan Pelko (photo by Dejan Habicht), Ars Vivendi, No.29,/1996, Ljubljana
1995 |
- ‘Kipenje življenske energije’ – ‘Pogovor s filmarjem Andrejem Zdravičem’ /’The Effervescence of Life Energy’ – ‘A conversation with filmmaker AZ’, Milan Dekleva, Dnevnik, 21.07.95
1991 |
- ‘Zvočna vizija sveta - pogovor z Andrejem Zdravičem’ /’Sound Vision of the World - A Conversation with AZ’, by Stojan Pelko, Ekran, vol.16/letnik XXVIII, sept./okt.91
Slovene/ English excerpt
1984 |
- ‘Moje iskanje oceana je le iskanje resnice’ – Interviju z režiserjem Andrejem Zdravičem’ /’My Ocean Quest is but a Quest for the Truth’ – Interview with film director AZ’, Eva Fornazarič, Primorski Dnevnik, 23.3.84
1985 |
- ‘Filming the Skies: An Interview with Andrej Zdravič’ by Sharon Kayne-Chaplock, Lore, Vol.35 #4, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
1980 |
- ‘Interview with Andrej Zdravič’ by Willie Varela, Cinemanews - Super8 edition, No.81, 2-6, El Paso, Texas
AZ on his Work
Soča Sooča - Okoljska karavana / The river Soča Forum - Round table discusion (Slovene), Dom Trenta, Slovenia, 23 August, 2010
Andrej Zdravič - post-screening Q&A podcast, Comprehending Nature series, RANE, Falmouth University, U.K., 2009
Andrej Zdravič’s
Riverglass post-screening Q&A, part of the panel discussion ‘Questions of Eco-Cinema’ at the Conference ‘Towards An Eco-Cinema’ organised by RSA (Royal Society of Arts) and Arts Council England, curated by Mark Nash, Bristol, 28- 29 September 2005 / See transcript - afternoon session on 29 September (p.35-52/ 65-66)
Andrej Zdravič: Awakening the Dormant Sense of Renewal, published in Artecinema - 5° Festival Internazionale di Film sull’Arte Contemporanea, catalog; Naples, 2000
English/ Italian
Videodokument - Video Art in Slovenia 1989-1998, SCCA - Center for Contemporary Art, Ljubljana, 1998